Is lockdown solution to the present situation of COVID-19 in a developing country like Nepal? If yes, why are the number of infected people increasing rapidly day by day? Where are we lagging to fight against COVID-19? If no what is an alternative to lockdown?

It is sure if the situation of increasing infected people rises in the same pattern and lockdown keeps on extending day by day, another nation wise issue of hunger will appear which is going to be scarier than the present situation of the pandemic. We all are aware that there are a large number of people in our country who are under the poverty line and struggle for their each day lunch and dinner. We all know that there are lots of people who earn their living on a daily wedge. Have we imagined how hard their present situation is? All the business in the city is shut down due to the pandemic, where will those people with low income generate their earnings to live their daily life? It is sad news for all of us that till today three people have lost their lives and I pray to god that please don't let it happen anymore but if the situation continues hunger will surely take many lives then pandemic.

I am sure all of us know that this is not the solution, the lockdown has just put a comma to the present scenario or just postponed the scary time which might come shortly. In other words, this is spare time for us in which we can prepare ourselves for the worst condition that might come. What might be the alternative then? 

As per the capacity I guess the government is doing its work. Now it's our turn to prove out to be responsible and cope up with the government. Even WHO has declared as we are now living with HIV today in our society whose complete cure is not yet discovered, the same might happen with COVID-19. It's not certain when will the vaccine of COVID-19 be discovered or who knows it may never be. So it's for sure we got to live with this virus but this might change the way of how we are living now. This might compel us to maintain social distance in every step of our life. It is sure this is going to affect our lifestyle and our regular activities.

As responsive citizens what can we do from our side? What can we do to overcome this pandemic? 

  • Maintain physical distance while in a group.
  • Avoid frequent contact with hands and face.
  • Frequent hand washing for 20 seconds as per the direction of doctors or WHO in various social media.
  • Covering of face during coughing and sneezing.
  • Avoid sharing news from unauthorized portals. (Be sure to follow and share news from authorized government bodies or internationally recognized news channels.)
  • Avoid publishing fake news just to drive traffic on your website or youtube channel. (Please do not monetize the crucial situation of others because of this pandemic.)
  • The most important thing is PLEASE DO NOT SHARE OR EXPOSE PEOPLE INFECTED WITH COVID-19 in social media. THIS REALLY MAKE THEIR LIFE DIFFICULT and it's really hard for them to face the society.
  • Quarantine is for the safety of us and our family. Please don't ignore it.
Finally at last Stay Home, Stay Safe and do not forget to take saftey measures while moving out of home .

Thank You .


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